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Dragomir writes...

1) Were Mongul's & Kylstar's home worlds conquered by the same tyrant? I ask because they both appeared to have the same idea of conquering the entire galaxy first before striking back against their enemy, they just went about it differently, implying whoever they were up against was above & beyond powerful to require that many resources to defeat...Scary stuff O_O

2) Regardless of whether Mongul & Kylstar shared a common foe, did you have an identity or identities in mind for the baddy or baddies who conquered their worlds? Or was Young Justice canceled before you could decide on the identities of the baddies who overthrew Mongul & enslaved Kylstar's people?

P,S, thanks for Gargoyles, Spectacular Spiderman, & Young Justice, sorry they were cancelled in their prime, they were all seriously amazing shows that deserved to last longer. Thanks for the wonderful storytelling & memorable characters :D

Greg responds...

1. Scary indeed. I'm afraid the answer would be a spoiler, which I have a policy against. But I will say, it wasn't a coincidence or inattention that led us to use the idea for both characters.

2. We know.

3. Thanks. #KeepBingingYJ It doesn't have to be over.

Response recorded on June 24, 2016