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Anonymous writes...

Just one question I found myself thinking of. When you did "City of
Stone", what was the response of the production team to a version of the
Macbeth story that made Macbeth into a sympathetic figure and Duncan into a
villainous tyrant? Were a lot of the people who worked on it
surprised at the role-reversal from Shakespeare's play in the story? (For my own
part, I had read a fair amount about the historical Macbeth before "Gargoyles"
ever came out, so I wasn't particularly taken aback, but I was curious as to how
the people who worked with you on that story - which I very much liked, by
the way - took it).

Greg responds...

John Rhys-Davies expressed some surprise. Called me
"revisionist" as I recall. I explained that the traditional legend that
Shakespeare followed was in fact revisionist, and that we were hewing
closer to the "historical truth". Once he heard that, he got very
enthusiastic about it. Generally, John loved playing all the history
stuff. I didn't get much response from the rest of the crew on this
point. Most were aware of the research that Monique and Tuppence had
done. It all seemed to fit our series so well, it was like kismet.
(GDW / 3-17-98)

Response recorded on March 17, 1998