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Brian Josephs (VICE, brian.josephs@vice.com) writes...

Good afternoon. My name is Brian Josephs and I'm a reporter working for VICE. I hope this message finds you in good spirits.

I'm writing you because I'm working on an article examining the furry community. A historian told me that Gargoyles has been a point of interest, and the 2014 CONvergence convention honored the 20th anniversary of the show by featuring a panel.

Are you available briefly for a phone conversation tomorrow about the experience? If so, please shoot me an email at brian.josephs@vice.com. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Greg responds...

Hey Brian,

You posted this in March, so I'm assuming that I'm getting to it a bit too late to be of any use. And though I welcome fandom of any fur, I must admit I don't know much about the furry community. CONvergence, for example, is not a specifically furry con. Though I'm sure some furries attend.

If you're still interested in talking with me, shoot me a tweet at @Greg_Weisman, and we'll go from there.

Response recorded on October 10, 2016