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The Phoenix Gate

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EXALT writes...

1)When Macbeth first fought the Manhattan Clan, did he know they were members of Demona's original clan? And that Goliath was her former mate?
2)As of Phoenix, how much does Mac know of Demona's past before they first met? Does he know about the Wyvern Massacre and the role she played?
3)During the 17 golden years of Mac's kingdom, did he and Demona ever discuss her past? And if yes, how honest was she?

Greg responds...

1. He knew the former, not necessarily the latter.

2. I assume you mean as of the END (i.e. the present day 1997 ending) of Phoenix. If so, he knows about the massacre. He's heard HER version of the role she played. I doubt she'd have copped to the entire truth.

3. Yes.

3a. She was completely honest to her thinking. Emotionally honest. She just left out a few details.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017