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The Phoenix Gate

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Kevin writes...

1. When Klarion called Zatanna spells' baby magic was he referring to her way of using magic speaking backwards or spoken magic in general?
2. Why would some magic users call themselves wizards or witches as opposed to sorcerers or sorceresses for example Wizard as a wizard and Wotan as a sorcerer?
3. How did Kent Nelson get away from Doctor Fate's control since the good doctor seems to be very strict with free will when it comes to fighting Chaos?

Greg responds...

1. Mostly neither, but maybe a little of the former.

2. I'm gonna say that you need to ask them. These may all be synonyms of a sort in the Earth-16 universe.

3. In those days, he took off the helmet after a mission. One day, he just never put it back on.

Response recorded on February 16, 2017