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Anonymous writes...

Good day.

1.) In regards to the "4 Robins" question, you forgot Duke Thomas. Biggest one you left out from your list

2.) On top of that, there're also the other Robins who head-lined "We Are Robin": Riko, Dre, Dax, and Izzy. And then there are all the other kids/teens who were apart of that movement, though so far, Duke's the only one who's mentored under Batman (unless Alfred counts in place of Batman; if so, that'd include pretty much everyone).

3.) Is it sometimes hard to think about what you like most about these characters (any, not just Robins specifically)?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Duke - at least in Rebirth - doesn't seem to be a Robin, at least not yet.

2. You know more than I. Congrats. Was this New 52 stuff? I'm not up to speed on that. I jumped back on when New 52 morphed into Rebirth.

3. Not really.

Response recorded on November 06, 2017