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Of the City States of Atlantis we are aware of as it exists on Earth 16 some have clear name origins whereas others are more obscure.
Poseidonis is obviously derived from Poseidon.
Tritonis from Triton.
Neptunos from Neptune (interestingly a Roman name though we see the Roman influences elsewhere in Atlantis).
Lemuria is the name of another mythical sunken continent as you are aware.
Nanauve I would guess derives from King Nanaue Sha'ark's name.
Crastinus from a bit of research could be derived from Carcinus a mythical giant crab but it could also be from Gaius Crastinus a Roman soldier which brings in the Roman influences again. There is also the speculation of himself sacrificing himself to gods of the Underworld which while not necessarily the Sea could be interpreted as Sea Gods to ensure a victory.
Shayeris I couldn't turn up anything of and the only connection I can make is to Hawkgirl but that seems an unlikely one. I'm sure this would count as a spoiler if it was though.
So could you confirm these origins for the names or correct me where I am wrong so long as doing so does not constitute a spoiler of course.
Um. See... They come from DC Comics. You'd have to ask a DC historian about their origins.