A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Spectacular Spider-Man ended it's run on November 18th, 2009. It is June 23rd, 2017 as I'm writing this. To put it simply, it has been a while and with the show's successor Ultimate Spider-Man already completed it's run I was wondering if your opinions on the third season had changed. I know that previously you had said that ideas are only as good as their execution, and that you believed that without a show there was no point in spilling your ideas across the internet. I'm asking if you'd ever consider changing your mind and revealing these ideas, at least some of them (perhaps for the show's ten year anniversary)? Normally I would never ask such a question, I want to make it clear that my intention is not to pester or offend you. You are one of the most brilliant creators out there and your execution of ideas is incredible. But I feel I should at least ask. Due to the arrangements between Marvel and Sony changing it is my understanding that Marvel can never revive the series because Sony holds the rights to that particular version of the character. Why pay to use that Spider-Man when Marvel can make their own and milk it for cash? I would be disappointed but I would respect your decision if you choose to hold onto to these ideas, I know your intention is not to hold these ideas over our heads forever. I'm sorry if this question annoys, offends or warrants any negative response from you. I am not only a fan of the series but a fan of your work and that is not my intention.
Thanks for the great two seasons of the series and everything you've done since then.
I'm not annoyed or offended in the slightest. And, no, my intent is not to hold my ideas over anyone's head. But I'm afraid I'm sticking to my sense that ideas minus their execution aren't worth much and are subject to a ton of second-guessing. I've learned that the hard way. So I'm going to decline. Sorry.