A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I want to start off by saying Im a big fan of your work and I cant wait for Season 3 of YJ!
One thing I've noticed in regards to Young Justice is that there aren't any new characters (characters that haven't already appeared in the comics). I can only think of two other DC tv shows off the top of my head that have introduced a new character. Batman Animated Series (If I remember correctly, Harley was introduced for that tv show) and The Batman (Because I know Cash and Krank weren't in the comics) So I know it isn't completely out of the ordinary for a tv show to introduce a new character. But as far as I know, Young Justice hasn't released a new character.
So here's my question. Are you guys just not allowed to introduce new characters, you guys decided to stay within the limits of the already set DC Universe, or both.
If I'm wrong and there has been a new character you guys introduced then which one (s) are they?
We've had a few new characters (e.g. Tommy Terror, Tuppence Terror, Olympia Savage, Coral, Beluga, and, of course, Kaldur'ahm). But generally we work very hard NOT to introduce new characters. That's not a rule from on high or anything. It's just that the DC Universe is so vast after 80+ years, that it seems ridiculous not to utilize it whenever possible.