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Hey there Greg I wanted to clarify and fix question I asked you a while back about how making comics more apealing to the general public.
I correct myself as DC's Rebirth is indeed fantastic.
However new 52 was a disaster (their superman was awful) and Marvel is having a crisis of having low sales of these writting. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/07/books/marvel-comics-diversity-thor-hulk.html
The think is comics are very niche.
Best selling comics from the big two are at best on the hunred thousands (if they are lucky). And we are talking big names like Spider-Man or Batman.
They are dwarfed by TV. But not even the convenience of TV being free an accesible is an excuse becuase Manga (aka japanese comics) again dwarf them by selling on the millions range.
There was a time Fawcett sold in the millions. Yet today most people simply aren't atracted to comics.
A big issue in my opinion is how the continuity os a nightmare. Just a glance at the retcons and illy explanations like "superboy punched reality" are a nightmare to follow for new comers.
As an outsider I see chaos and very confusing plotlines. But yes as you pointed out "zooming in" there are plenty of fantastic comics.
So my question is, how would you make comics more appealing to the general public?
How would you fix all these continuity nighmares caused by cosmic retcons like having hundreds of retcons ( superboy prime, antimonitor, etc)
Thank you Greg. Love your shows.
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking me? How I would fix things if DC and Marvel gave me full and complete power over their respective Universes? That's a massively huge hypothetical, right?
Otherwise, on a somewhat more reasonable level, if you're asking what I would do with, say, my version of the DC Universe, you can see that by watching YOUNG JUSTICE.