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The Phoenix Gate

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Graham T. writes...

Topic: Phoenix Gate and time travel to the future

In regards to Gargoyles 2198, we know the Phoenix Gate cannot allow someone to change the past as it is part of the history, but how would the Phoenix Gate and time travel work if someone from the present were to go to the future?

During planning, were there problems with figuring out how Brooklyn's presence in 2198 would relate to his "historical self" (either "disappeared" when the Gate took him; the "historical Brooklyn" never time-travelled), or did you always have it in mind that time-travel to the future from the present was also immutable - Brooklyn factus erit iam illud (Brooklyn already shall have done that)?

P.S. I apologize in advance if my Latin is off.

Greg responds...

1. Knowing no more about what happens next than one would being someone from the present IN the present, it's more of a non-issue. If someone from even FURTHER in the future showed up, then the M.I.A. scenario is in play.

2. If I'm understanding you right, the latter. Again, a non-issue, as I knew he was time-dancing, and one of his stops would be 2198.

Response recorded on June 30, 2021