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Do you remember Superman: TAS?
There was an episode in which Darkseid creates a nuclear fireball and shoots it towards the center of the world to turn Earth into a second apocalypse. Superman stops the fireball by drilling up and down through the ocean floor around the fireball to allow the salt water to quench the fireball. It was an impressive shot with Superman flying up out of the water and then diving back down again, using his own body as a drill - a real money shot.
Two questions. Do you remember the scene I am referring to? And, is YJ Superman powerful enough to perform the same feat?
1. I didn't see much of STAS after the pilot. That's not commentary; I simply never had the time. So, no, I don't remember that scene as I'm pretty confident I never saw it.
2. So, since I've never seen it, it's hard for me to evaluate. But from the way you describe it, I'd guess the answer is no. But it's just a guess.