A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi! English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes in advance.
My questions:
1 - How really Xanatos and Demona meet? In the "The Awakening" Xanatos says that he brought her before than the other gargoyles and she woke up there. That it's obviously a lie. At that point, one suposes Xanatos knows more about Demona than he is telling.
2 - Didn't Xanatos knows Demona is already immortal in "City of Stone"? The suposed spell she cast, should stole a minute of life of all citizens watching the TV. If Xanatos knows she is immortal I can't see why Xanatos could think Demona will help him to get more years of life.
Maybe the questions are stupid? I watched the show in my language around three times, and there was some translation mistakes. Can you belive the hints about Owen being Puck was deleted? All of them. I'll rewatch in english someday.
1. It was definitely a lie. But the truth is a spoiler.
2. He believed she was immortal because of the occasional reuse of that spell.
Not stupid questions at all. I'm sorry you had to work so hard to enjoy the show, but I'm glad you did and do.