A Station Eight Fan Web Site
Displaying 1 record.
1. When was Morgause born in the Gargoyles universe?
2. When was Lancelot born in the Gargoyles universe?
3. When was Guinevere born in the Gargoyles universe?
4. When was Morgana Le Fay born in the Gargoyles universe?
5. If their birthdates have not been formed yet Do you know at least how far about they are born from Arthur? Would Lancelot and and Guinevere be about a few years apart, and Morgana and Morgause five to ten years? I know this seem to be nitpicking but one thing I have always appreciated about your works is the passage of time and consequence it makes it feel more like the real one if that makes sense.
No spoilers at this stage. I haven't nailed all these down yet. But I promise I've thought all this out, and will nail it down specifically if and when I get the chance to tell these stories in Gargoyles: Pendragon.