A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg, I was wondering if you'd taken the time to watch the new DuckTales show Disney's been doing? I know you only worked on a little bit of the old one, but it's fun and it's stuffed with Disney references, including the revelation that Manny the Headless Man-Horse (it makes more sense when you watch it) is basically their equivalent to Goliath (complete with Keith David voice and Gargoyles theme playing). Were you amused by them doing that? It was certainly unexpected (given that it happened in the series finale, and they'd covered basically every other Disney show from the 80s and early-to-mid 90s).
I'd heard about it, and I think it's great that they did that, but no, I haven't seen the new DuckTales. That's not meant to be any kind of comment on its quality. I just haven't gotten around to it.