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Yojimbo writes...

1. In the episode "Private Security", Grant Park was visited by Artemis and Halo walk through Grant Park to meet up with Zatanna. Is Grant Park located in Star City or Gotham City?

2. In the episode "Evolution", at the end of the battle between the forces of Darkseid and Genghis Khan, was that a cameo by Gravyen among Darkseid's forces?

3. In the episode "Another Freak", what are the names of the following two girl students (image labeled "3a") and the boy student (image labeled "3b") in the classroom? (see link: https://twitter.com/DCAUResource/status/1455094905068343301)

4. In the episode "True Heroes", what are the names of the three meta-teens rescued in Al-Qawiya? (image labeled "4" in the following link: https://twitter.com/DCAUResource/status/1455094905068343301)

5.In the episode "Influence", what are the names of the girl and boy in the cell (labeled "5" in the following link: https://twitter.com/DCAUResource/status/1455094905068343301) aboard The Orphanage?

Greg responds...

1. Star City.

2. Yes.

3. We have, believe it or not, not named every single non-speaking character. Sometimes, as with Henry Fyff, we only come up with a name - identifying said character with a specific DC character from the comics - if and when that character speaks. There are exceptions. Some obvious, like Grayven. Others less obvious, where we were intentionally planting a seed like Lucas Carr's first appearance in "Welcome to Happy Harbor". In any case, I don't know the names of these three students. Might figure it out some day and retroactively indicate as much. Might not.

4. We were planting seeds with two out of these three. The middle one is supposed to be Celia Windward. I think the one on the far right is Wendy Jones. Although the picture's not too clear, and my memory is faulty. It's not Tara Markov, is it? The one on screen left? See the answer to question 3.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 21, 2022