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Anonymous writes...

Just Some Thoughts and Questions on Artemis Through The Looking Glass.
1. The ending excerpt about Trust and Belief from Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There was just perfection, I am really loving these Literature themed episodes.
2. What made you guys decide on the Amazing-Man and Onyx connection, If my Knowledge is correct I think this purely an Earth-16 thing.
3. Jade was referencing Wally right with the whole talk about how things have been difficult and Second Chances?
4. I love how Artemis is still trying to convince Jade to comeback and segues to it so easily every time.
5. I like how you guys continue to show Beast Boy going through trauma and not simply finishing that problem within 20 minutes.
6. One thing that seems odd to me Jade is worried about the Contract that the League of Shadows put on her for betraying them to save Red Arrow, But Red Arrow was also a member of the Shadows so why isn't he concerned about having a contract on him.
7. The photo That Will put up on the Wall taken just before the events of Usual Suspects right?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks. Credit the idea for doing that at all to Brandon Vietti.

2. We wanted to give Onyx some history to fall back on within the Earth-16 DCU. We felt that by the end of the arc, it would add poignancy and depth.

3. If I'm reading your question correctly, then, yes.

4. I don't know how easy those segues are, but she manages it.

5. We received invaluable advice on this from Dr. Janina Scarlet. Check out her website and podcasts: http://www.superhero-therapy.com

6. No spoilers. Ask me again in 2023 if it's still not clear.

7. Yep.

Response recorded on February 28, 2022