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Ress writes...

A. Who trained Arsenal to use the katana?
A1. Can Arsenal still use his bow and arrow?

B. How good is Arrowette compared to Arsenal?

C. Why does Tigress call Arrowette and Arsenal to the library instead of Green Arrow or Black Canary?

D. Does the Arrowfam have family dinners?

E. Is Jim Harper friendly with Ollie?

F. Since Red Arrow didn’t take the news of Artemis becoming GAs new sidekick very well, was it the same case when it came to Arsenal when Arrowette became new sidekick to GA?

Greg responds...

A. No spoilers.

A1. Yes, but he's lost some precision.

B. At what?

C. Green Arrow and Black Canary aren't on her Team. Arrowette and Arsenal are.

D. I'm gonna say YES!

E. Yeah.

F. No. He was fine with it.

Response recorded on March 04, 2022