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King_Joey writes...

Quick questions about the Bio-Ship species. I understand that they are like horses on Mars, and there bodies are made of materials that allow them travel through space and through planetary atmospheres without injury. Making them Way More resistant to heat than the sentient Martians.

1. I would like to know how the Bio-ship converts the Martian atmosphere inside the ship into Earth atmosphere and Vis Versa. Does the ship inhale the Higher CO2 of Mars and exhale an O2 rich environment like a plant?

2. Does the Bio-ship need to breath? Not every living thing does.

I can even buy that there bodies have the necessary materials in them for shapeshifting into the complex machinery and circuitry necessary for wireless network interface with Earth computers, drones, HUDs, and radios.
But in the first season M gann states that Bio-ship does not have any weapon system, then later she is firing laser blasts at an ice fortress.

3. I made the assumption at the time that the laser thing had been installed off screen similar to the way the disintegration tech was installed during the training exercise in the episode Failsafe. But now that I see Baby-Ship with lasers too; Is it safe to say that the laser-like cannons on these Bio-Ships are a naturally occurring biological mechanism and not mechanically installed or configured?

4. Is it a learned skill and not all Bio-Ships can do it like the density shifting thing for sapient Martians?

5. I still do not understand why the sapient Martians are more afraid of the Ma alefa ak than a species that can FIRE FREAKING LASER BEAMS!.... Sorry:) The laser beam thing from an Earth animal would freak me out. Still it seems like they can easily defend themselves from Ma alefa aks with brain blasts. But can they block LASER BLASTS with telekinesis. Just saying the Bio-Ships are also way more durable; that is the animal I would think they would learn to fear.

Greg responds...

1. Sounds good.

2. I'm thinking it does, but I'm not married to that answer.

2a. Bio-Ship developed a weapon system over time and from necessity.

3. Naturally contrived. And Baby, having Bio-Ship's memories, has them from the beginning. No learning curve.

4. I think Bio-Ship and Baby are two of the very, very few Bio-Ships that have weapons capabilities, which were developed by Bio-Ship on Earth (see above).

5. Most Bio-Ships don't have weapons' systems, and are, in any case, largely domesticated. Horses can be dangerous animals, but we tend not to fear them unless a specific horse gives us a reason too. A great white shark inspires fear, even though few of us have ever encountered one.

Response recorded on March 29, 2022