A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg,
I love the gargoyles and I realy miss them. I havent missed a day of them since I found out the were on toon disney. I just want to ask if Gargoyles on a scale between 1-10, 10 being the highest, will be coming back anytime in the near future?
And what's this talk of the gargoyle movie?
Please write back thanks.
Define "near" future? Like in the next couple years. I'd give it a zero chance. Cuz it ain't in production and it takes time to launch (or relaunch) any show. If you mean sometime, than I think the chances go up to eight or so.
Touchstone is developing a live action film based on the gargoyles. They've been at it for years. They haven't given up. But they haven't put it into production either.