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Paul writes...

When Troia is helping Diana and Cassie in "Og Htrof Dna Rueqnoc!", she's wearing her Ambassador outfit. Then, in the credits scene, Tempest is wearing his Ambassador outfit. I believe you've previously said that Garth and Tula wore their Atlantean clothes as their outfits when they were on the Team, and this is backed up by Garth wearing his regular outfit when he's standing with Dick, Jeff and Clark (who are all in costume here). So my question is: since Troia wore her normal outfit when she responded to the crisis with Diana and Cassie, then does this mean that she also wore clothing that was reflective of her heritage when she was on the Team? Garth and Tula wore Atlantan garb and I guess Troia wore her Themiscyran garb?

Greg responds...

I'm going to defer answering that until we have a flashback with Troia from that era.

Response recorded on July 06, 2022