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Keth writes...

After Beast Boy return to earth from mars but before Perdita came to see Garfield at the Hub why did no one on the Outsiders team tell Black Canary about Garfield having problems so she could do therapy sessions with Garfield?

Greg responds...

That's a fair question, but you need to look at it realistically. In point of fact, the changes that came over Garfield were both gradual and easily explained - by him - and easily rationalized by others, even if deep down everyone knew something was really wrong. But he wasn't going on missions, so he wasn't endangering anyone. It was easier - as it is in real life - to NOT deal with such topics if one doesn't have to. This, we learned while making the season, is a very common real world response to psychological trauma. That's why it was so important for Garfield to - by the end of the season - be very public and open about seeking help for his condition. Mental illness is still stigmatized, and that needs to stop.

Response recorded on July 19, 2022