A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I know this isn't that uncommon in the fandom, but I am obsessed with the Zeta designations used on YJ. I have a spreadsheet tracking revealed designations, every time they were used on screen, on panel, on Ask Greg, or in promotional material, and a (very rough) timeline of when each number was activated. I even have predictions of who might be the unrevealed numbers. My white whale is the A-series, which by its nature isn't easy to predict. I know it's useless to ask you to reveal the unknown numbers, but I feel like this question is playing fair with the Ask Greg rules: Has the audience been introduced to every individual who has been granted an A-series designation?
And since I have a couple more question slots:
2. Does Captain Atom undergo a significant enough physical change when he becomes Nathanial Adams that he would need a separate designation number, similar to the Marvel family?
3. What name is used for Billy Batson's A-05 designation? Is it William Batson, like how Mal Duncan is designated Malcolm Duncan? I can't imagine the JL computer reading out "Billy" without laughing.
4. Same question as 3, but for Lieutenant Marvel/Freddy Freeman's A designation. Is it Freddy or Frederick or some other permutation?
5. And one that I'm fairly sure will be hit with the SPOILER REQUEST: Are there any C-designations besides Wolf and Sphere?