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Paul writes...

In the comics, Troia is a name that Donna Troy takes after she learns of her connection to the Titans of Myth. Since Brandon Vietti and yourself have gone with the "Troia" version of the character for Earth-16, this implies that Earth-16 Troia has an origin that involves the Titans of Myth. Troia's look in Young Justice certainly evokes the "Titans of Myth" origin for her character (with some differences in YJ, of course), and in that version of her origin, the Titans of Myth provided her with an array of mystical gifts. Does she possess these gifts in Young Justice (or did she have them during the five-year gap between seasons 1 and 2, at least)?

I'm not sure how guarded you are about Troia's origin and details surrounding it... I'll take the risk that this question might be deleted by the mods. Perhaps you can give at least a hint in answer, please, if you feel that that's appropriate.