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Just a Fan writes...

Hi Greg! I apologize for how long this is!

I love young justice, but I kinda wish you kept Dick as a single guy who just liked women and had a will they won’t they thing with Zatanna and just kept it to that. Because ever since you put Dick and Babs together. It has caused quite the shipping war between the two fandoms.

While I do prefer Dick/Zatanna, I personally never really had opinions
with Dick/Babs. My only problem I had about them, was really your comments about why they weren’t together until xyz and explaining their relationship. One was the notion that Dick only loves Babs and would marry her in an instant regardless. I feel that’s a really bad portrayal of love, if you’re in love with someone else you shouldn’t be dating other people! It’s really not fair and kinda undermines the development he had with Zatanna. For me, it takes me out if investing much time in how Dick reacts with other characters if it’s just gonna be thrown to the side for another relationship. It’s just not really fair to the characters involved and instead they should have been given other life interests that will actually mean something and not be used as a temporary thing or stepping stone.

The second was that Babs was waiting for Dick to mature to be with him. Babs shouldn’t imply that needs Dick to change himself to be with her. He doesn’t need to grow up for her, he needs to for up for himself and hopefully he will realize that he is who he is and the person who will marry him will have to accept that. I get it that she wants Dick to mature, but personally, I don’t think Dick is all that immature and in fact, acts very much like a normal young man haha if he isn’t ready to settle that’s fine, but implying that he needed to grow up and Babs will wait for him to marry him, it’s not a good set up.

I could be misinterpreting you, and perhaps you never intended for it actually be portrayed that way, but that’s how it came off to me personally. I really hope I didn’t come off mean or ranty, I just felt your comments on the couple maybe could have used more context.,

I kinda just miss Dick with no strings attached. Still kinda trying to figure out who he is. A little flirty with everyone because he loves women clearly. No past loves or pining for anyone. Just one man on a journey you know? Looking forward to the future and leaving the past where it belongs. Hanging out with his friends and fighting crime. I think it’d be great to see Dick move on from both Zatanna and Babs and just eventually down the line find his true love that he never thought in a million years he would meet! I just wanna see Dick grow and evolve for himself inspired by himself.

I hope you get more seasons and love your work so far!