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Anonymous writes...

I havent been able to get into young justice since it returned which was disappointing since I was a huge fan of the first two seasons, I keep trying but I was so confused why the show wasnt about the team anymore, then I recently saw you say that the show was never about the team itself, its about the original team as individuals and thats why the team isnt a focus anymore. Im honestly baffled by that…I thought the show was called Young Justice because it focused on the young heroes, aka the team. I think it also kept the show more organized when that was the focus. The only arc I have enjoyed in the latest season was Artemis, and that just so happened to be the only one that featured the team, it was the only time since it came back that it reminded me of why I wanted this show back. I think this decision was a creative misstep and I know I am not the only one who feels that way. Its your show but sadly its not the show I fell in love with anymore.