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Anonymous writes...

The magazine sounds like an excellent idea! :D I hope you do eventually get
to publish it. 1)Would we, as fans, be permitted to submit articles or
artwork for inclusion in it? (no fanfic, of course. We would leave the
storytelling up to you) You have stated that Oberon was Merlin's father.
2a)Was Oberon aware of that fact? b)Was Merlin? c)What was the
relationship between them?(ie. did they get along?) 3)Is Merlin on Avalon?
(This may have been asked before, but it *is* a yes-or-no question, so I
hope you won't mind) 4)a)Who was Morgan LeFay? Some accounts of the legend
of King Arthur refer to her as the Queen of Avalon. b)What was her
relationship to Oberon and Avalon? c)Was(is?) she part fey? 5)Just a
small matter I wanted to clarify: Is Puck incapable or merely forbidden to
use magic when not teaching or protecting Alex? 6)You mentionned in
response to an earlier question that Xanatos had been fully developped
*before* Jonathan Frakes was cast in that role. How is that
possible??!?!?!?! They are virtually IDENTICAL!!! 7)Inquisitive am I not?
That's all for now, but I'm sure I'll come up with more. Thank you in
advance for your reply.

Greg responds...

1. Letters to the editor certainly. I'd have to check the legalities on the
rest. Of course, it's all looking mighty moot now, but maybe someday.

2a. Yes.

2b. Evenutally.

2c. Complex.

3. Not at the moment.

4. I'm not going to reveal that right now. Sorry.

5. Both.

6. Kismet? I'm not saying that we didn't write to Jonathan's strengths, and
certainly Jonathan brought a great deal to the role. And he was clearly
perfect for it. But the character was designed and developed before Jonathan
came aboard. Before he even occurred to us. The only character from the
original group of regulars that was developed with a specific actor in mind
was Hudson. (And, yes, that actor was Edward Asner.)

7. No more than most. (GDW/1-5-98)

Response recorded on January 05, 1998