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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg! Loved the Phantoms second half premiere. Just a couple questions that came to me while watching.

1. Since Robotman was present in the Premiere Building and we heard the Zeta Tube powering down, is it safe to assume that he was given an A designation?

2. Since we know Superman spoke to Saturn Girl and Chameleon Boy immediately before flying to Agra (where we have previously seen him in Og Htrof Dan Reuqnoc), was he already considering suggesting the Justice League Reserve system to Black Lightning before speaking to the Legionnaires? Or did their talk lead him to the idea?

3. Every graduation I've ever seen or been to, the graduating class is seated alphabetically by last name. Since Harper and Violet are sitting together, can we assume that one of them has had a surname change? Or is Happy Harbor an outlier?