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After watching the first episode of Raquel's arc, I am eagerly awaiting the rest of her arc! It's looking to be another great one! In this episode, we officially find out that Amistad is autistic (many of us knew beforehand, from that interview with Denise Boutte months prior), marking another time that Young Justice has made history in terms of representation in superhero media. It's honestly so exciting the amount of doors you guys are opening!
I do want to know, though. Was Amistad being autistic all part of the original plan back in Season One, or was it something you and Brandon decided on when in development of Outsiders and then Phantoms?
While I am more than certain Violet coming out as non-binary and La'gaan being in a polyamorous relationship is the result of Young Justice moving to DC Universe and then HBO Max, where censorship is (to a point) non-existent when compared to Cartoon Network, I can't say the same for Amistad's autism. While I assume the subject of neurodivergence wasn't considered AS taboo a subject back then, I am curious if (assuming this was all planned from the start) you guys making him openly autistic (rather than hinting at it like you would with a character's sexuality back then, if that makes sense) would have been a problem for the network.
Either way, though, I am beyond happy with what's been represented so far this season. Kudos!