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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following information below correct in regards to the known members of the Earth-16 version of the Legion of Super-Heroes? If not, please explain why.

Brainiac 5
Real Name: Querl Dox
Homeworld: Colu
Race: Coluan
Family: Collector of Worlds/Vril Dox (ancestor), Kajz Dox (father), Virln Dox (mother)

Chameleon Boy
Real Name: Reep Daggle
Homeworld: Durla
Race: Durlan
Family: R.J. Brande/Ren Daggle (father), Zhay Daggle (mother), Liggt Daggle (brother), Ji (aunt)

Lightning Lad
Real Name: Garth Ranzz
Homeworld: Winath
Race: Winathian
Family: Luc Ranzz (father), Perla Ranzz (mother), Mekt Ranzz (brother), Ayla Ranzz (twin sister)

Phantom Girl
Real Name: Tinya Wazzo
Homeworld: Bgztl
Race: Bgtzlian
Family: Linnya Wazzo (21st century ancestor), Byzjn Wazzo (father), Winema Wazzo (mother), Gmya Wazzo (brother)

Saturn Girl
Real Name: Irma Ardeen
Homeworld: Titan (Saturn’s moon)
Race: Titanian
Family: Preya Ardeen (sister)