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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Why is Ursa addressed in the credits as "Ursa Zod" and not "Ursa-Zod"? I mean, why are female Kryptonian names different on Earth-16 that a dash is not added between their given names and the Kryptonian houses in which they are married into? The reason I am asking this is because I personally remember there was at least one case in the "Smallville" TV series in which Kara addressed Kal-El's mother as Lara-El during a Season 7 episode; as opposed to Lara Lor-Van. I hope you can understand my confusion here.

#2. I have never heard of a Kryptonian before who goes by the name Kru-El. What is his exact familial connection to all the other members of the House of El, and what exactly did he do to end up becoming a disgraced member of that house and being banished to the Phantom Zone?