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Ricky writes...

Hi Greg

a few questions then a thank you.

1) I read that Batman became Batman at the age of 21. Crazy young compared to other iterations of the character. What did his training look like before he became Batman? And was any of that training by Alfred?

2) How do you rate the combat prowess of Earth-16's Batman?

3) I absolutely loved your Nightwing & Roy vs Brick fight in S3. I always love seeing trained humans fighting metahumans.
How strong a metahuman can a well-trained human with standard vigilante gear defeat without relying on insta-win gadgets like red sun batons or kryptonite rings?

4)Would Nightwing have beaten Tommy Terror in a 1v1 if he wasn't focused on getting those kids out?

I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for bringing attention to minority groups that never get attention in mainstream media.
Not just having a cameo of the week to "celebrate our differences", but actually making these people main characters.

As a kid the only faces of heroes I've seen were white. Guys who looked like me were often racist caricatures with thick accents like Leslie Chow or emasculated nerdy losers.
Even the "heroes" like Jackie Chan or Jet Li were considered others, not a real American. For the longest time, I didn't think of being an Asian-American male as something to be proud of.
Even though I was born and raised in the states, it was pretty clear that there were many who considered me a perpetual foreigner.
And I know I'm not the only ethnicity that's experienced this. A lot of us are "Outsiders" if you will.

It really means a lot to know that it's not just white faces that get to be heroes.

So thank you for bringing non-traditional faces to the screen.