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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In "Rescue and Search," Ursa made an indirect mentioning of Zor-El's daughter, Kara Zor-El. Now, I am hoping above all hope that this mentioning is not some mere coincidence, and that that this means that Supergirl will eventually make her Earth-16 debut.

If this ends up being true, I will like to admit to you that the one of the things that I personally hope you will explore with your version of Supergirl is her relationship with her "cousin" Superboy. When the Kara Zor-El version of Supergirl first appeared in the comics, one of my FAVORITE moments was when she had her first encounter with Superboy in Smallville. At the time when this encounter took place, Superboy was in a pretty bad place and wanted Supergirl to leave him alone. It resulted in a short fight in which Supergirl was forced to punch Superboy in the face and temporarily broke his jaw on accident. Supergirl then fixed it shortly afterwards; allowing Superboy to calm down and resolving the misunderstanding between them. However, before the two have a chance to start over, some of the Teen Titans attack Supergirl due to misinterpreting the situation. When Supergirl tries to leave, Superboy immediately came to her defense; stating that his fellow Titans should leave and that his "cousin" didn't have to leave. The jaw-breaking incident was later referenced during the crossover event, "Superman: Last Stand on New Krypton," during which there was a moment in which Supergirl misinterpreted a situation when she sees what appears to be Superboy holding her mother (Alura In-Ze) by the throat and preparing to punch her, and Kara punches him away despite him trying to tell Kara that the situation was NOT what it seem to look like. Fortunately, Superboy managed to save Kara and her mother from being killed by Brainiac's robots not long after, and soon after, Superboy remarked that Kara still had a mean right hook; even though Kara mentioned that she pulled her punch a little; making it nice callback to their first encounter.

I'm hoping that the Earth-16 version of the "cousin" relationship between Superboy and Supergirl will be similar to that seen in the pre-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (New Earth). I do NOT like the post-Flashpoint DC Comics continuity (Prime Earth) interpretation of the first encounter between Superboy and Supergirl because the latter was hostile to the former upon learning he was a clone and, because there was a bad history on Krypton involving clones, she called him "Kon-El" because in The New 52, the name meant "abomination of the House of El."