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Morgan writes...

I don't really understand why you and Brandon decided to alter the naming customs for Krypton. You have stated that Kal-El's mother is Lara El (rather than the comics-appropriate Lara Lor-Van) and Ursa has been fully named Ursa Zod. In the comics, the last name for Kryptonian females is the father's full name and did not change even when married, and while it's not the most progressive or anything, it was still a neat way to differentiate Krypton customs from Earth's. And I know that you've thought about things like this because I distinctly remember you answering in an Ask about why you guys changed Hawkwoman's name to Shayera Thal and not Shayera Hol since she was married to Katar Hol, with you answering that Earth customs are not the same as Thanagarian customs. Given that, it just makes it all the more perplexing why you guys chose to backpedal the progress that was already comics-canon and make it less so.