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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Is Vandal Savage (the earth 16 version of course) ever content with anything in his life? or does his hunger for more kingdoms to rule (as seen in the 3 long yarns that He and the Phantom Stranger and Nabu all told) Never end? 2. How did Soranik Natu react when she heard the news about Tomar Re and does she get along well with P.F.? ( my nickname for female Forager to avoid confusion) 3. I have skipped Aqualad's arc for personal reasons but have herd of Mera's new role as high Queen of Atlantis however with her other duties to both the Conservatory of Sorcery and helping to care both her and Aquaman's son Artur does she feel overburdened at times ? 4. Did Nika Fluttermen have much trouble with the bug noises for her role as P.F. (aka Purple Forager) ?