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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

You've made it clear that you care about plot and story more than characters and that you don't give a damn about characters getting balanced screen time (your words, not mine, I distinctly remember you saying "balance be damned" on here when people complained during season 2) but are you aware that the majority of people who consume media feel the opposite? We care about characters, characters drive the plot, we get angry when the plot forces characters to make decisions that don't make sense. Star Wars doesn't have the most original plot in the world but it's endured because we love the characters. This show is treating the characters as so disposable plus you keep ignoring everyone who says they want to see more of the season 2 cast because you claim the plot doesn't involve them. You tell people to be patient or say no spoilers when they ask for more info but you have yet to follow through on a lot of characters. It's annoying.