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Paul writes...

1) Gretchen Goode's line in "Nightmare Monkeys" about "father and son" going through time and space has always been intriguing. Is Paul Sloane the biological father of Garfield Logan?

2) Regarding designations A-08 and A-09, are these characters that we have seen in the show, or are they characters that we have not seen yet (like A-06 Freddy Freeman)?

3) Wonder Woman seemed very unhappy with Batman in "Agendas" for making young Dick Grayson his sidekick as Robin. But then two years later, Troia (her little sister) joined the Team. Is there more to this apparent change of heart by Diana than what has been revealed so far? (I suppose this will get a NO SPOILERS...)

4) Lt. and Sgt. Marvel seem like odd additions to a covert team (certainly Sgt does anyway, since she's in a costume that isn't exactly subdued or subtle). Not asking for an in-universe explanation for why they joined the Team, but what was the rationale from yourself and Brandon Vietti? The obvious explanation would seem to be that as the Outsiders didn't exist at the time, the covert team was Lt. and Sgt.'s only option. But was this the reason that you both chose to go that route with those characters?

5) Would yourself and Brandon Vietti ever consider a backwards time skip or are you resolute about bringing the show forward in time for now? This is probably going to get another NO SPOILERS response, but what can I say, I'm curious as to what you might say to this.