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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. You have previously mentioned that Wally's funeral took place in June 2016; meaning it was clearly sometime between June 20th and July 4th. As such, what was the exact date and location that the funeral took place?

#2. Who gave eulogies during Wally's funeral?

#3. During the funeral, did Wally's parents wrongfully blamed anyone for Wally's death; assuming they were both in a fragile emotional state?

#4. You mentioned before that Perdita met Beat Boy during Wally's funeral, but how exactly did she receive the news of Wally's death? I mean, was Kid Flash's death mentioned on the TV news off-screen in the Season 2 finale?

#5. Speaking of which, if Kid Flash's death was mentioned on the TV news off-screen, who broke the bad news to the world...? Was it Iris West-Allen (and I assume that she struggled not to emotionally break down while telling everyone; so that no one would figure out that she had a personal connection to Kid Flash), or was it someone else...? The reason I am asking this question is because when Artemis when to see Wally's parents, the look on their faces seemed to indicate that they already knew about Wally's death before she came by; as such, I assume they likely heard on the TV news.