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Bionicblade2099 writes...

How exactly does Green Lantern: The Animated Series fit into Earth 16's continuity. Guy Gardener appeared in the show, and John Stewart was name-dropped, but both were lanterns during Team Year Zero. Razer was also stated to have been looking for Aya for 4 years. Knowing that this season was taking place in 2020, it can be assumed that Razer began searching for Aya in 2016. But this doesn't make much sense as this would take place during the series finale where Razer left to search for Aya and in this same season, Guy and John show up for the first time. The two of them have been stated to only recently become lanterns but in the continuity of Earth-16, Guy and John have been lanterns well before 2016. This is making my brain hurt. Also while I have your attention, would Aya's appearance in Earth-16 match her counterpart in GL:TAS. (Meaning does she look the same)