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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman, long time of your works, especially "Gargoyles", ever since I was a child. I've been following the Voices of the Eyrie podcast since the first episode dropped, and I love hearing the behind-the-scenes stories of the episodes with you and the other voice actors. :D

"Gargoyles" huge comeback in recent years thanks to being added to Disney+ and with the recent action figures line being produced. #KeepBingingGarhoyles also helps with supporting the series. All these achievements are incredible, but still no word from Disney to continue the series. As time goes by, and none of us are getting any younger and the old cast and crew reaching into their golden years, I became more and more worried that "Gargoyles" will see a proper continuation. So, my question is this:

With all of the achievements "Gargoyles" has gotten and its passionate fanbase clamoring for its return, is there a spark of hope that we may see "Gargoyles" return in the near future?