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Hi Greg.
1. When did Artemis Crock and Jason Bard started dating?
2. Are Artemis and Jason still dating by the end of Season 4? Please, I beg you, don't ruin another boyfriend for Artemis. She deserves happiness and I think Jason is really nice, funny and sweet. They make a very good couple! And Jeff is excellent as Jason's voice, I love him.
3. Is it true that by the end of Season 4 Jason doesn't know about Artemis's double life as a hero?
4. If Jason still doesn't know about Artemis's Tigress alias and the hero stuff, what's the reason for Artemis not to tell him? They haven't been dating long enough for him to know? Does Artemis think she's protecting him by not telling?
5. Is Holly (Jason's dog) a Boxer? At least she reminds me of a Boxer. But if she is of no specific breed that's nice because dogs of no specific breed deserve love too.
Thanks Greg for taking the time to reply to these and thank you for giving Artemis a nice boyfriend like Jason. When I saw Artemis was dating someone in Season 4 I got really scared. I misjudged Jason (not knowing who he was) and the moment I saw him I thought he could be an a$$hole and I don't want that for Artemis. I also love he has Holly and his a dog lover. It's so cute that now Brucely has a potential girlfriend? Besides, couples with pets are very cute.
Honestly, I've been missing Stephanie Lemelin and Jason Spisak hyping Wally and Artemis's romance :'( But seeing Artemis and Jason on the show makes me happy and I hope if there's more Young Justice in the future I get to see more of them together and happy.
Have a good day and hope you're doing well :)