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Anonymous writes...

1. Was Artemis originally set to serve as M'gann's maid of honor and if so how did she feel being replaced by Em'ree?
2. Does Artemis feel envious, happy or both for Conner and M'gann. They got what she never had, being reunited with her lost love. Does Artemis feel a little envious that M'gann and Conner were reunited with each other after everyone assumed he was dead or is just greatly relieved and happy for the couple. I don't mean to paint her in a bad light or anything, but I find it hard to believe she wouldn't have some feelings on the matter?
3. Did you ever consider letting Artemis find out what Zee and M'gann did to her by pretending to summon Wally's ghost at the end of season 3 in season 4? I'm surprised I was really expecting she was going to find out since Miss Martian losing Superboy reminded her of when she lost Kid Flash and I was hoping that M'gann would feel guilty and confess what she did.