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Anonymous writes...

Regarding your conundrum regarding how to tackle atheism on Young Justice, just speaking for myself as someone who has been an athiest for most of my life I've always believed that if the Gods of any form of faith were proven without a shadow of a doubt to be real I would still choose to not become a follower of them. I acknowledge their existence obviously, as well as the existence of concepts like souls, angels, demons, ghosts, heaven, hell, and so on, but just because they are real that does not mean that I now have to convert into one of that religion's followers, just like how nobody who practises a separate religion from the ones that God belong too would be obligated to convert.

I guess think of it kinda like when a controversial scientific theory is proven to be true; there will undoubtedly be some who are blinded by stubbornness and will insist that it can be explained some other way or in extreme cases outright deny their existence, but the vast majority would accept it as fact and adjust their world-view accordingly.