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Fallenlegene writes...

Hey Greg just some questions about the power of Shazam,

1.- You said Mary Doesn’t “owe” Freddy anything, but you didn’t mention Billy. does that Mean she was granted her portion of the power from Freddy and not Billy? Or was that an oversight?


2.-What happens to the power when a user of the power of SHAZAM dies? Is it gone for good? Does it go to a previous user?

3.- You said the power was “impossible to return”. As in Mary couldn’t give it away even if she wanted?

4.- If any of them transforms gets too much damage while transformed to they return to their human/ mortal forms?

5.- Does anytime they transform to their powered selves their powered bodies “reset” in their prime?

Say, hypothetically, Billy was hurt as captain marvel with a broken arm, then transformed back into Billy, then back to Captain Marvel. Would Captain Marvel still have his injuries?