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Yojimbo writes...

1. In "Death and Rebirth," was Karen Beecher one of M'gann's bridesmaids?

2. In "Death and Rebirth," during the lead up to the wedding, the Justice League Computer speaks in the background whenever guests arrived. Are the following correct and spoken by the computer?

A-55 J'ann M'orzz

A-56 M'att M'orzz

E-18 Dubbilex

E-19 Kraig

E-16 Guardian

A-28 Lian Nguyen-Harper

C-03 Brucely

B-25 Arsenal

D-16 Looker

D-14 Livewire

B-37 Mist

B-36 Orphan

B-16 Oracle

B-28 Spoiler

D-12 Robin

E-03 Tempest

E-15 Wyynde

45 Aquaman

3. Are the E-series the Justice League Reserves?