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The Phoenix Gate

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Rayk K. writes...

Hi! I’m sorry for disturbing u, I just have a few questions to ask and it won’t take much time.
a) I was just curious if it was a joke when you said that Klarion is 9 y.o. or was you serious? Fans of this character are in real shock (lol ahah) we all were sure that Klarion is physically older (like ~15) for a decade ahaha! Honestly, some of us thought that even Child was from 10 y.o. so now I’m clarifying this small detail on behalf of many fans

b) I am a big fan of the witch boy after YJ so there’s another question about him: if Dr. Fate has a tower of Fate, does Klarion has smth like that? “The place of power”, I mean

c) Will you show us smth about Earth 17? Or no spoilers? Or, on the other side, maybe we don’t need to attach great importance to small phrases XD

In any case, even if you won’t find these questions good and won’t reply, I want to say that I truly love Young Justice, I’m thanking you for YJ4 (it was awesome! ^з^) and we all truly hope to see YJ5 to admire the story!