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Paul writes...

1) So about Durla... To me, this is the most pressing question regarding whether the timeline has been restored or not.

(We know there's a 99.84% likelihood that the future is as it was before Lor-Zod went back in time, but obviously the other 0.16% accounts for the various changes that have occurred, such as the wedding being postponed, the Phantom Zone projector being destroyed in the 21st Century, and the Kryptonians all getting out of the Zone, amongst other things.)

My question is this: with Durla having been gifted to M'comm and the A'ashenn's as reward for his co-operation, does this mean that the future of Chameleon Boy's home world is being altered from what he would know from his own life? Is Durla's future now changing completely (thus potentially threatening the existence of Chameleon Boy's family line), or is it the case that M'comm and his people are actually the ancestors of Chameleon Boy's family? This may or may not be a spoiler request... I don't know whether it qualifies as one because it wasn't clear from the finale whether or not this might come up again. (I suppose it could come up if the Legionnaires get their own season... I don't know.)

2) Obviously the Eye of Ekron being out there in space in the 21st Century presents a potential problem for the timeline, in the event that it was likely meant to remain in Metron's vault for a while longer. (Maybe it was... maybe it wasn't... No way to know, I suppose.) My question is: are the heroes of both the 21st Century and the 31st Century now aware that they need to keep an eye out (haha) for the Eye of Ekron and try to discover its whereabouts? I'm not asking whether this is a priority for them -- just about whether they are aware that this is a rather important outstanding/unresolved issue.

3) Kind of moot but very important: did the gene-bomb that Desaad gave to M'comm detonate and kill off lots of Martians in the original timeline? I noticed that Lor-Zod alerted Conner to its presence. Had he done nothing, it would surely have exploded. Is this what happened in the original timeline, and if so, who died (if any) out of the name characters in Young Justice?

I think I'm pushing my luck a bit with these questions as they're quite lengthy and involved. I'm sorry if they're a bother for you. Thank you for taking the time to read them and please take care!