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FallenLegend writes...

Hwy there Greg. Is just have Some superman questions

1.-Is kryptonite lethal to kryptonians even when they have no powers? Say if they are under the effects of a red sun or drained of their powers?

2.-How was Superman able to tank Ursa magic blast as the emerald empress,if he is vulnerable to magic? Shouldn' the blast had harmed him?

3.- Are there other variants of kryptonite besides green kryptonite, like green and gold?

4.- We know Superboy inspired the legion. But what about Superman. Is he still remembered In the future? In other versions there was even a superman museum

5.-The article Zod read in the fortress of solitude described Superman as "Earth's greatest hero"

While this was certainly only Lois opinion, is this a general or popular opinion belief among the heroes/ people of earth?

Thanks Greg!