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Anonymous writes...

1. I thought I had a decent understanding of how time travel works in YJ, but after the season 4 finale I’m not so sure. How different does a timeline need to be in order for a time traveler to return to be trapped in the past? How were the Legionaires able to go home if Lor-Zod changed so many things?
2. In some shows that use time travel, characters meet their kids or grandkids, and later on it’s implied (or outright shown) that after they return to the past/future, those kids/grandkids would be the exact same people in the future, which is pretty unlikely (their parents would have to meet and conceive them EXACTLY the same way they did in the unaffected timeline). Does time travel work the same way in YJ, or does the butterfly effect still occur in the case of future descendants?
3. Why did Bart move in with the Garricks rather than the Allens, especially if the Garricks were so old? Were the Allens uncomfortable with taking care of Bart?
4. Did the Garricks ever have kids? If so, would they be speedsters too?
4. Do Barry and Iris consider Bart to be their grandson from an emotional standpoint? Or do they treat him as a younger family member or family friend?