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Anonymous writes...

1) Why did no one think to put Arsenal in therapy during Young Justice Season 2? In one of the shows that averts the "There Are No Therapists" trope, it's kind of foolish for them to let him work on the Team and kick him off when he can't cope when he clearly needs psychiatric help. If a guy attempts suicide, you don't chew him out for risking his teammates, you ship him off to Black Canary until he gets a clean bill of mental health and I'm sure Black Canary could've helped Arsenal perfectly (Especially after seeing how she helped Garfield during season 4 in the episode "Forbidden Secrets of Civilizations Past!") and let's be clear that deep down Arsenal still had good in him and that he was never a lost cause who's beyond redemption like that Pure Evil Martian low-life Ma'alefa'ak/M'comm M'orzz and maybe Geo-Force/Brion Markov.

2) While he's still hot-blooded, he seems to have mellowed out a lot during the two-year time skip between Young Justice Seasons 2 and 3. Does that mean Arsenal is now a Jerk with a Heart of Gold (A jerkish character who is deep down a good or at least decent person)?